In celebration of Eating Orlando's Fifth Anniversary, I've partnered with Chick-fil-A to give away free food for the next 3 months!
To win, all you have to do is comment on this post with your favorite Chick-fil-A item, mention how you heard about the Orlando food blog, Eating Orlando, and make sure to include your name. It's that simple.
I'll pick 3 winners at random and post the names of the winners in a new blog post on May 15, 2014. If you see your name, just email me and I'll send you your free food cards right away. Entries close May 14, 2014 at midnight EST.
Good luck! Ain't anniversaries awesome?
Thanks for your Chick-fil-A post and I love following @EatingOrlando on Twitter! My favorite Chick-Fil-A item has to be the Chicken Nuggets! Especially with Polynesian Sauce :) I heard about the blog on your Twitter handle and love following it to see the Best Food In Orlando!
Elizabeth Baranik
Found you on Twitter (some random retweet), love the original chicken sandwich with the honey bar-b-que sauce.
Jason Schuck
I love the chick-n minis in the morning. Perfect portable size to go straight from bag to my mouth! :)
Learned about you while doing some PR research for a small business and have followed you ever since.
I'm a fan of the nuggets. I've tried to expand to other items, and they're all good, but nothing beats the perfect little nuggets. 12 piece/waffle fries/Dr Pepper. It's top 3 fast food meals out there.
How did I hear about Eating Orlando? I've been subscribed for a few years now! I got tired of eating at the same few "boxes" every week, so I googled around looking for recommendations for local restaurants. I've been following E.O. ever since!
P.S. I dined courtesy of "Eating Orlando" :)
I'll never turn down an original chicken sandwich. I've been a fan of the blog since the pop-up dinner with the cardboard robots! This is a neat thing to do, thanks!
I'm a big fan of the chicken strips, in fact i think i've been at least once a week since i moved here.
I came accross eatingorlando when trying to find out about the local foodie scene
Jamie Vidamour
Thanks for all your support these past 5 years. It's always been fun blogging about the Orlando Food Scene. I'm so glad to have you all along for the journey!
I love the waffle fries. I am fan of the eating orlando on facebook, because they always give me good sugestions.
Ricardo Rodriguez
I found Eating Orlando several years ago trying to find good restaurants in the area. My favorite Chick Fil-A item is the Grilled Chicken Club.
I found out about this blog frommOrlando Weekly top food blogs.
My Favorite item is the chic fil a sandwhich
I love the original chicken sandwich. I found your blog on twitter.
What an awesome giveaway! I found this blog from Twitter. My favorite items are the Chickfila nuggets.
Waffle Fries! and I found your through twitter.
Can't get enough waffle fries with polynesian AND cfa sauce!! YUMM!!! And my sister sent me the link.
I am a total Chikcken Mini FANATIC! Having been known to order two orders in the morning and have one for lunch ;) I followed you through a repost from Food Beast a while back!
The classic chicken sandwich. Simple. Perfect. Delicious. Found you on a google search a while ago,and added you to my google reader and now feedly
I found you on Feedly and read your blog in my RSS feed. I also follow on Twitter. My favorite Chick-fil-A food item is the grilled chicken cool wrap (with a side of waffle fries)!
I found you on google. I would love to try the grilled chicken club sandwich. My kids love the chicken strips.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Love the chicken salad sandwhich, my brother introduced me to the blog and my name is Ryan Mezzell
I honestly love their waffle fries with chick fil a sauce! I found you off of twitter.
deluxe chicken sandwich is def my favorite.
I love the grilled chicken cool wrap with honey mustard dressing.
I heard about your blog through your Facebook page that I follow. I love looking at your food pics and trying to guess where you are dining.
Laurissa W.
Been following you for some time now from I believe a facebook post and enjoy what you post up. My favorite item at Chick-Fil-A is no doubt the Original Chicken sandwich. I also like their nuggets and cole slaw.
Mike Gawlik
Chicken nuggets and cole slaw are my fav!! I found you on twitter, I'm sure someone I followed retweeted a post of yours.
Elisabeth S.
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